Thursday 12 June 2008

Terrence Howard - Howard Threatened To Kill Daughters Sweetheart

Actor TERRENCE HOWARD has proved his credentials as the ultimate over-protective father - he threatened to kill his daughter AUBREY's teenage boyfriend.

The Iron Man star didn't appreciate his 14-year-old daughter dating a classmate he disapproves of, and "intervened" by forcing her to ditch the unfavourable suitor.

He says, "She's supposedly in love with some guy. I made her break up with him and I've threatened to kill him. I was like, you picked a green fruit from the tree that's far from ripe."

And Howard ensures he keeps a tight-leash on his beloved kids - warning Aubrey she will be cut out of any future inheritance if she is not "obedient".

He tells his daughter, "I've set a lot of things aside for you, but those things are only yours as long as you're obedient to me."

However, the actor has put a crafty plan into action to make sure the teenager doesn't fall back into her unsuitable relationship.

He adds, "She's OK now. Though, I'm sure he's still kind of her boyfriend. This summer I'll take her off to another country where her phone won't work, and he'll start dating someone else."

Howard has three children with his ex-wife Lori MCCommas; Aubrey, 14, Hunter, 12, and Heavenly, 10.

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